Business Book Club

The Power of Agency

Frederick A. Miller

FROM THE BOOK JACKET: Take ownership of your work and unleash the power of agency in your organization!

To help give employees the power, influence, and voice necessary to truly excel in their workplace, organizational development experts Miller and Katz reveal the importance of agency and offer practical advice on how to achieve it.

With more knowledge workers entering the workplace, many are being stifled by traditional employee-manager relationships that hamper their ability to fully contribute and feel engaged at work. And in a constantly changing and competitive world of work, organizations must evolve to keep up with worker satisfaction or else face a decrease in performance and loss in talent.

The solution? Enabling your employees to exercise their individual agency in the workplace. Through an actionable roadmap that highlights common pitfalls and practical steps necessary for establishing a culture of greater agency, this book will provide individuals, teams, managers, and leaders with concrete ways to clarify their current level of agency and identifies specific actions they can take to exercise greater agency.

Visit Frederick A. Miller Store on AmazonABOUT THE AUTHORS: Fred Miller and Judith Katz have been pioneers and leading experts in the inclusion and higher performing organizations field for more than 50 years. They are also senior experts in the organization development and training and development fields. Fred has received over a dozen awards, including the Winds of Change Award (the top award of the Forum on Workplace Inclusion) and the OD Network Lifetime Achievement Award. Judith has also received many awards, including the OD Network Lifetime Achievement Award. They are coauthors of six books: The Inclusion Breakthrough, Be BIG, Opening Doors to Teamwork and Collaboration, Safe Visit Judith H. Katz Store on AmazonEnough to Soar, The Power of Agency and Change Champions.

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