Fiction Book Club

Jenny James Is Not a Disaster: A Novel

Debbie Johnson


Thirty-something single mum Jenny James is used to the typical run-in-your-tights, milk-turned-sour, break-a-nail bad kind of day. Attitude from her teenage son? Count on it. Car problems? To be expected. Never quite enough money for monthly expenses? Guaranteed.

And then arrives the Very Bad Day--when Jenny finds out her dull but reliable office job is in jeopardy, her car totally and completely breaks down, and she arrives home (on foot) just in time to see her modest-but-cozy cottage sliding off a cliff into the sea. Jenny's life--not to mention her home--has reached its ultimate low point.

Estranged from her parents since she became pregnant at age eighteen and set out on her own, Jenny has nowhere to turn when she and her son, Charlie, find themselves without a place to live. Her neighbor, the reclusive but attractive Luke who lives alone with his dog in a surprisingly homey RV, opens up his camper--and his vagabond lifestyle-to Jenny and her son.

As the unlikely threesome--four including the dog--hit the road, Jenny finds herself experiencing a new sense of freedom as she reflects on who she was, who she is, and who she could become. Maybe when you fall, you actually find the best way to move forward.

Debbie JohnsonABOUT THE AUTHOR: 

Debbie Johnson is an award-winning author who lives and works in Liverpool, England, where she divides her time between writing, caring for a small tribe of children and animals, and not doing the housework. She writes feel-good emotional women's fiction, and has sold more than 1 million books worldwide. She is published globally in many different languages, and her books include the best-selling Comfort Food Cafe series, Maybe One Day, The Moment I Met You and Forever Yours. Her novel Never Kiss A Man In A Christmas Sweater was made into a Hallmark movie. 

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